HHS Reg 8 Director Lily Griego Visits SLV Health
SLV Health
Lily Griego is the Regional Director of the Department of Health and Human Services. During part of her visit, she and Audrey Reich Loy, SLVH, discussed access to health care on her tour of SLVH RMC, Cancer Center. HHS Region 8 serves Colorado, Montana, North & South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Director Griego has a special interest in Rural Health Care.
L to R: Carmelo Hernandez, MD, CMO; Audrey Reich Loy, Director of Programs; Antonio Gurule, Director of Clinics; HHS Reg 8 Director Lily Griego; Konnie Martin, CEO; and Zach Weiderspon, Director of CCH.
HHS Director Lily Griego gets a brief overview of the MRI improvement project at SLVH RMC from the Director of Radiology and Imaging, Janet McGinnis.