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Brand New Northstar Ambulance Adds to Alamosa Response


There's a new ride in town, complete with bells, whistles, and a siren. Alamosa County Ambulance District is proud to announce that a brand new Northstar Ambulance has been added to the fleet.  This 4-wheel-drive Ford F450 Chassis is ready to serve the needs of the community and comes with a lot of safety features. The board members, Helen Sigmond, Leslie Fleming, Dr. William Brinton, Dale Salazar, Jason McGinnis, and Javier Martinez, and the EMS team at San Luis Valley Health, are elated to have this new ambulance to transport patients and serve this deserving community.  Ryan Daugherty, Chief Paramedic and Director of EMS at SLV Health said, "Our patients and community are long overdue for such a great ambulance. The board members are a dedicated group of people who are looking out for the well-being of our community."  Daugherty explained that the EMTS Colorado grant provided matching funding for this purchase, and the Alamosa district and hospitals will be well served with this new ambulance. "The call sign is MED101," Daugherty continues. "Kyle Crawford from our EMS team created a video to introduce it, so I hope everyone gets a chance to see it and be proud."