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SLV Health Celebrates Years of Service

SLV Health recently celebrated its employees who reached milestones in their years of service.

On Aug. 31, the hospital held two special receptions at Adams State University banquet hall: a lunch reception for those who have reached their 5- and 10-year milestones, and a dinner reception to honor those who achieved 15 + years.

Overall, the hospital honored 137 employees whose have worked a total of 1,545 years.

The main speaker for both events was Ben Anderson, the Vice President of Rural Health and Hospitals for Colorado Hospital Association, who spoke about the difficult yet rewarding time that healthcare workers face every day.

One of the highlights of the dinner reception was the recognition of Kathy Hostetter, who was recognized for reaching her 40-year milestone with SLV Health with a standing ovation from the attendees.

“We were so excited to celebrate our staff and the years they’ve committed to serve and help our patients and each other," said Christine Hettinger-Hunt, Chief Operating Officer. "We’ve got staff who are in this for the long haul. And we’ve got an army to back it up. This work isn’t easy, but it’s important, necessary and worthwhile and serves our mission and our purpose.”